Company Board Manual

Board Manual serves as the guideline for the Board of Commissioners and Directors which specifies structured, systematic, and comprehensible, with workable consistence guideline as reference for the Board of Commissioners and Directors to conduct their respective duties to reach the Company’s vision and mission.

The Board Manual has been compiled based on the corporate laws, prevailing laws and regulation, Articles of Associations, decisions of General Meeting of Shareholders and principles of Good Corporate Governance which include transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, fairness and trust.

The Board Manual is designed to specify work relations between the Board of Commissioners and Directors with regards to respective conduct of duties to ensure professional, transparent and efficient Company management.

Principles of Board of Directors and Commissioners’ Work Relations:

  1. The Board of Commissioners respects the duties and authorities of the Board of Directors as specified in the prevailing laws and Articles of Association.
  2. The Board of Commissioners oversees and provides advice on the Company’s operation policies in accordance to the Articles of Association.
  3. The work relations between the Board of Commissioners and Directors is formal in nature, on the basis of standardized mechanism or responsible correspondence.
  4. Informal work relations shall be referred to as basis for decision making.
  5. The Board of Commissioners holds the rights to the Company’s information on a timely, complete and accurate manner.

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