November 28, 2024
Jakarta, 28 November 2024. After achieving brilliant results for the Company's performance in the Q3 2024 period, PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IDX:IPCC) will distribute interim dividends in 2024 as a year-end gift for loyal IPCC investors. This was done after obtaining approval from the Board of Commissioners for the proposed interim dividend distribution based on the achievement of Q3 2024 which increased 4% to net profit and grew 6.87% to revenue year on year (yoy). "With the Company's achievements being quite solid and having strong fundamentals and reinforced by positive sentiment towards IPCC shares, Management agrees to give awards to loyal shareholders who have supported them to date," said Sugeng Mulyadi, President Director of IPCC.
The distribution of interim dividends to shareholders is planned to be carried out on 23 December 2024 and will be carried out in several stages in accordance with the Decree of the Directors of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia Number Kep-00077/BEI/09-2021 dated 13 September 2021 concerning Changes to the Implementation Provisions for Distribution of Share Dividends , Distribution of Bonus Shares, and Distribution of Interim Dividends. IPCC will distribute interim dividends from net profit for the period January to September 2024 amounting to IDR44.40 billion, where the equivalent dividend payout ratio is 30% or equivalent to dividends per share of IDR 24.42, an increase of 12.52%. Of course, Management hopes that this can provide added value for IPCC shareholders. The timeline for distribution of the IPCC interim dividend in 2024 is as follows:
IPCC has carried out various business collaborations in the context of revenue enhancement, including signing agreements with several partners to change commercial patterns and maximize PDC services with various European and Asian automakers. Apart from that, the company is also making operational efficiency efforts through transformation and digitalization which can ultimately maximize income and dividends for shareholders.
With a focus on strong business collaboration, innovation, and building business networks marked by the opening of one satellite terminal this year, a total of IPCC has been operating in 6 areas, namely Jakarta, Belawan (North Sumatra), Pontianak (West Kalimantan), Makassar (Sulawesi South), Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) and Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan). "IPCC seeks to strengthen its position as a major player in the world-class vehicle terminal industry that excels in connectivity and enablers in the maritime ecosystem and provides long-term benefits for its shareholders to support the national economy," concluded Sugeng.
IPCC-Beyond The Gate
IPCC, Leading to be The World Class Car Terminal Ecosystem
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