Press Release

December 24, 2024


Jakarta, 24 December 2024. After successfully holding the GEMBIRA (Clean and Healthy Community Movement) Program last October, at the end of the 2024 visitors, at the Resident's Social Facilities area of ​​Rw 08 Kalibaru, Cilincing, PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IDX:IPCC) held a ceremonial closing of the GEMBIRA program in 2024. Also present were various representatives of related stakeholders such as Kalibaru Village, Village Health Center Kalibaru, PKK Kalibaru and representatives of the Head of Rukun Warga RW 08, 09 and 010 Kalibaru Village.

The IPCC Gembira (Clean and Healthy Community Movement) program will be implemented starting from October 23, 2024. For 54 consecutive days, the GEMBIRA program will be implemented directly targeting 30 toddlers in 3 RWs in the Kalibaru sub-district who are experiencing malnutrition and are indicated to be stunting using the PMT method ( Supplementary Feeding). Activities involving active and direct participation carried out by the Kalibaru Community Health Center check all aspects ranging from food composition, child growth and development as well as vitamins and other nutritional support foods. This program received special attention, especially on educating parents about how to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle, monitoring children's development every week, which in the end was greeted with positive enthusiasm from parents of toddlers so that this program could run well according to the expected timeline.

Assistant Senior Manager (ASM) for Corporate Communications and CSR of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk, Mochamad Ilhamsyah, expressed his gratitude for the involvement of all levels of society and stakeholders who are active in making this Gembira Program a success. In his speech, he added that this program is a form of concern and real effort by the Company to work together to help improve environmental conditions around the IPCC work environment and hopefully in 2025 IPCC can do the same thing to help and support government programs in reducing the shortage rate. Nutrition and Stunting, especially in the Kalibaru area, can provide even greater benefits with the initiative to encourage Pelindo group entities to participate in this program.

More than 40 IPCC employees are actively involved in the GEMBIRA program and this makes this program the program with the most ESR (Employee Social Responsibility) in 2024. IPCC management appreciates this program and hopes that employees will open up and care more about the environment around them. Company so that the Company's business continuity can continue to grow in line with the welfare of the community around the company.

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